Tuesday 6 December 2011


When some people imagine brotherly love, they think of things like nagging, bothering, teasing... maybe even a poor role model... all those things that the world depicts as the extent of a 'brother-sister relationship'.

What I know to be true, however, is so much more. Aside from the necessary bothering and teasing, which is naturally a big part of our relationship, there is this bond between my brother and I that is stronger than steel. He means the world to me.

If you have met Alex, then you probably know him as this enthusiastic-to-say-the-least, willing-to-do-anything-for-God, not-so-normal kind of guy. You've probably gotten to see him at his finest at camp, or at crossroads. You have maybe even had the privilege of hanging out with him outside these settings. But what you might not know about Alex is that he is also this incredible, strong, devoted brother; a true man of God.

When God made Alex, He was thinking of me (and probably of some other things, too...)
He was thinking of the kind of role model that I would need to keep me grounded, to keep me out of trouble. He was thinking of all the times that I would need someone to rescue me. He was thinking of all of the words of encouragement and wisdom that I would need along my journey - that Alex would deliver. He was thinking of all the times that I would want to talk, and all the times that wouldn't feel like talking at all. He was thinking of the times that I would need a brother, in the truest sense of the word.

Alex, you are more important to me than you will ever know. Your guidance has meant everything to me, even though sometimes I haven't let that on. Your gentle heart makes you such a good role model to me and to everyone you meet. And your willingness to serve God - THAT is what sets you apart.

I love you, Alex. And I miss you heaps.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a beautiful message :) il y a tellement de familles qui ne s'entendent pas et je trouve que c'est vraiment triste. Les freres et soeur sont les personnes qui peuvent le mieux te comprendre et te connaitre. C'est des amis qui vont toujours etre la pour toi. J'ai une soeur et un frere plus jeunes et j'espere etre pour eux un modele aussi bon que l'a ete ton frere a toi Nat :) xox
